Lean through
The central point of Lean
Manufacturing is eliminating waste in manufacturing systems. The elimination of wastes could be achieved in a variety of ways such as reducing manufacturing process time and wait
time, implementing proper inventory controls and reducing of defects.
Green Manufacturing is a concept in
manufacturing that is used to produce products by having minimal environmental
impact. It could be achieved by
minimizing waste, recycling, conserving energy use, controlling pollution.
The central point of both Lean and
Green Manufacturing is the elimination of waste.
So, we can achieve a Lean Manufacturing environment by going Green. For start-ups and small manufacturing
organizations it could be better to create its manufacturing systems by
adapting the philosophy from Green Manufacturing.
Green Manufacturing is a relatively newer
concept. Start-ups and smaller
manufacturing organizations might think, that it may not be meaningful to go green because their environmental impact could be very small. Is it possible to be competitive by
implementing Green concepts during the early stages of the development of an organization? This could be answered by
the design of manufacturing systems that are geared towards Green Manufacturing
Systems and the belief system of the founders / owners of the
organizations. Is Green Manufacturing
worth the investment? There is one goal
common in both Lean Manufacturing and Green Manufacturing is eliminating
of waste. So eliminating waste from the
system could be great starting point to be efficient and competitive in a Green
Manufacturing environment. It is also easier and less costly to grow and maintain a Green Manufacturing environment system than converting a non-green
company to a green company because the employees are properly trained and a
system is already in place. A Green
Manufacturing System should be designed with a long term vision.
It is ultimately the responsibility
of the founders of start-ups and the owners of small manufacturing companies’ owners to
decide to be Green or not. Green
Manufacturing could a good business practice.
It will save our environment and it is possible to stay competitive at
the same time. It could meet the expectation
of the society as a responsible manufacturing organization.